Quarter Horse News
March 15, 2020
North Central Texas College earned prestige as the top ranch horse team in the Road to the Horse Collegiate Colt Starting Challenge at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo on Feb. 5-6.
North Central Texas College, located in Gainesville, Texas, edged Texas Tech and West Texas A&M in competition that came down to the wire. The winning North Central Texas College team included Addie Coutts, Kadin Hernandez and Josh Briggs, the show’s MVP.
“I am lucky to be surrounded by such truly talented and amazingly poised young adults,” said North Central Texas College equestrian coach Cathy Luse. “This is by far the coolest, most challenging event we’ve ever done. To all involved in putting this one-of-a-kind event on, thank you for a memory of a lifetime.”

The Road to the Horse Collegiate Colt Starting Challenge is a prelude to Road to the Horse 2020, which was slated for March 19-22 and expected to feature the world’s top colt starters competing for a $100,000 purse.
The three main competitors who were selected for Road to the Horse 2020 are Wade Black, Craig Cameron and Ken McNabb. The event will also feature a Wild Card competition featuring Wylene Davis, Cole Cameron and Craig Moore.
Fans witness the entire journey, from colt selection to the final obstacle challenge. Road to the Horse features talented competitors who battle for horsemanship’s most coveted title.
In the Collegiate Colt Starting Challenge, collegiate ranch horse teams of three fulltime students gentled 6666 Ranch fillies over four rounds of competition. During a thrilling final round, each team’s relationship with their filly was tested in a challenging obstacle course.
“The talent and collaboration witnessed from each ranch horse team was truly impressive,” said Ernie King, publisher of Western Horseman, which sponsors and produces Road to the Horse. “Every team finished the obstacle course with time to spare. This was a direct reflection of the level of horsemanship displayed during the competition.”
The fillies represented a selection of 6666 Ranch’s Quarter Horses, including some by National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) Open World Champion Bet Hesa Cat (by High Brow Cat); $264,975-earning cutting horse and NCHA Open World Finals Show Champion PG Heavily Armed (by Playgun); grade 1-winning champion racehorse One Famous Eagle (by Mr Jess Perry); and ranch sires Jesses Topaz (by Mr Jess Perry) and Wagon Stake (by Tanquery Gin).
North Central Texas College selected a bay Wagon Stake filly named Sixes Stake. Texas Tech chose Penatekas, and West Texas A&M selected Sees An Eagle.
Briggs was awarded the prestigious MVP by judges Barbra Schulte, Craig Cameron, Richard Winters and Horseman’s Host Ben Baldus. Wyatt Dushay from West Texas A&M was selected to receive the show’s Sportsmanship Award, an honor voted on by fellow competitors.
“I just want to thank everyone for their support,” Luse said. “I’m amazed by all who came to cheer our team on.”
To learn more about Road to the Horse, visit roadtothehorse.com. ★